QT 528S

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    I am using the new version now. What changes were made (in general)?

    Frank Grossmann

    The Nasdaq100 components have been updated and 2 delisted ETFs (Gulf and Soil) have been removed.
    I only made a small change to the treasury hedge strategy. I removed the mean reversion parameter because it was responsible that we switched to cash after the first treasury spike and missed most of the strong TLT rise during the Covid crash. This mean reversion is good in sideways going markets but bad during a market correction when Treasuries perform well and as long as TLT performs well we should stay invested in it.


    How can I import the updated LI Nasdaq100 stock list into my QT strategy folder? I didn’t see any configurations that represented the Nasdaq100 stock list

    Frank Grossmann

    Just copy the two updated “Nasdaq 100 low volatility.ini” and “Nasdaq 100 leaders.ini” into the ini folder of your project

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