
NVIDIA Corporation operates as a visual computing company worldwide. It operates in two segments, GPU and Tegra Processor. The GPU segment offers processors, which include GeForce for PC gaming and mainstream PCs; GeForce NOW for cloud-based gaming; Quadro for design professionals working in computer-aided design, video editing, special effects, and other creative applications; Tesla for artificial intelligence (AI) utilizing deep learning, accelerated computing, and general purpose computing; GRID, which provides power of NVIDIA graphics through the cloud and datacenters; DGX for AI scientists, researchers, and developers; and EGX for accelerated AI computing at the edge. The Tegra Processor segment provides processors comprising SHIELD devices and services designed to harness the power of mobile-cloud to revolutionize home entertainment, AI, and gaming; AGX, a power-efficient AI computing platform for intelligent edge devices; DRIVE AGX for self-driving vehicles; Clara AGX for medical instruments; and Jetson AGX for robotics and other embedded use. The company's products are used in gaming, professional visualization, datacenter, and automotive markets. NVIDIA Corporation sells its products to original equipment manufacturers, original device manufacturers, system builders, add-in board manufacturers, retailers/distributors, Internet and cloud service providers, automotive manufacturers and tier-1 automotive suppliers, mapping companies, start-ups, and other ecosystem participants. NVIDIA Corporation was founded in 1993 and is headquartered in Santa Clara, California.

Statistics (YTD)

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'Total return, when measuring performance, is the actual rate of return of an investment or a pool of investments over a given evaluation period. Total return includes interest, capital gains, dividends and distributions realized over a given period of time. Total return accounts for two categories of return: income including interest paid by fixed-income investments, distributions or dividends and capital appreciation, representing the change in the market price of an asset.'

Using this definition on our asset we see for example:
  • Compared with the benchmark SPY (94.2%) in the period of the last 5 years, the total return of 2505.1% of NVIDIA is higher, thus better.
  • Compared with SPY (27.9%) in the period of the last 3 years, the total return, or performance of 475.1% is higher, thus better.


'The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is a useful measure of growth over multiple time periods. It can be thought of as the growth rate that gets you from the initial investment value to the ending investment value if you assume that the investment has been compounding over the time period.'

Which means for our asset as example:
  • The compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) over 5 years of NVIDIA is 92.1%, which is higher, thus better compared to the benchmark SPY (14.2%) in the same period.
  • Looking at annual performance (CAGR) in of 79.3% in the period of the last 3 years, we see it is relatively larger, thus better in comparison to SPY (8.6%).


'In finance, volatility (symbol σ) is the degree of variation of a trading price series over time as measured by the standard deviation of logarithmic returns. Historic volatility measures a time series of past market prices. Implied volatility looks forward in time, being derived from the market price of a market-traded derivative (in particular, an option). Commonly, the higher the volatility, the riskier the security.'

Applying this definition to our asset in some examples:
  • Compared with the benchmark SPY (20.9%) in the period of the last 5 years, the 30 days standard deviation of 52.8% of NVIDIA is greater, thus worse.
  • Compared with SPY (17.3%) in the period of the last 3 years, the 30 days standard deviation of 54.6% is higher, thus worse.


'Risk measures typically quantify the downside risk, whereas the standard deviation (an example of a deviation risk measure) measures both the upside and downside risk. Specifically, downside risk in our definition is the semi-deviation, that is the standard deviation of all negative returns.'

Which means for our asset as example:
  • Compared with the benchmark SPY (15%) in the period of the last 5 years, the downside deviation of 33.5% of NVIDIA is larger, thus worse.
  • During the last 3 years, the downside deviation is 33.9%, which is higher, thus worse than the value of 12.1% from the benchmark.


'The Sharpe ratio (also known as the Sharpe index, the Sharpe measure, and the reward-to-variability ratio) is a way to examine the performance of an investment by adjusting for its risk. The ratio measures the excess return (or risk premium) per unit of deviation in an investment asset or a trading strategy, typically referred to as risk, named after William F. Sharpe.'

Which means for our asset as example:
  • The ratio of return and volatility (Sharpe) over 5 years of NVIDIA is 1.7, which is greater, thus better compared to the benchmark SPY (0.56) in the same period.
  • Looking at ratio of return and volatility (Sharpe) in of 1.41 in the period of the last 3 years, we see it is relatively larger, thus better in comparison to SPY (0.35).


'The Sortino ratio measures the risk-adjusted return of an investment asset, portfolio, or strategy. It is a modification of the Sharpe ratio but penalizes only those returns falling below a user-specified target or required rate of return, while the Sharpe ratio penalizes both upside and downside volatility equally. Though both ratios measure an investment's risk-adjusted return, they do so in significantly different ways that will frequently lead to differing conclusions as to the true nature of the investment's return-generating efficiency. The Sortino ratio is used as a way to compare the risk-adjusted performance of programs with differing risk and return profiles. In general, risk-adjusted returns seek to normalize the risk across programs and then see which has the higher return unit per risk.'

Which means for our asset as example:
  • The ratio of annual return and downside deviation over 5 years of NVIDIA is 2.67, which is larger, thus better compared to the benchmark SPY (0.78) in the same period.
  • During the last 3 years, the excess return divided by the downside deviation is 2.26, which is larger, thus better than the value of 0.5 from the benchmark.


'The Ulcer Index is a technical indicator that measures downside risk, in terms of both the depth and duration of price declines. The index increases in value as the price moves farther away from a recent high and falls as the price rises to new highs. The indicator is usually calculated over a 14-day period, with the Ulcer Index showing the percentage drawdown a trader can expect from the high over that period. The greater the value of the Ulcer Index, the longer it takes for a stock to get back to the former high.'

Applying this definition to our asset in some examples:
  • Looking at the Ulcer Ratio of 23 in the last 5 years of NVIDIA, we see it is relatively larger, thus worse in comparison to the benchmark SPY (9.32 )
  • Looking at Ulcer Index in of 29 in the period of the last 3 years, we see it is relatively larger, thus worse in comparison to SPY (10 ).


'Maximum drawdown measures the loss in any losing period during a fund’s investment record. It is defined as the percent retrenchment from a fund’s peak value to the fund’s valley value. The drawdown is in effect from the time the fund’s retrenchment begins until a new fund high is reached. The maximum drawdown encompasses both the period from the fund’s peak to the fund’s valley (length), and the time from the fund’s valley to a new fund high (recovery). It measures the largest percentage drawdown that has occurred in any fund’s data record.'

Using this definition on our asset we see for example:
  • Compared with the benchmark SPY (-33.7 days) in the period of the last 5 years, the maximum DrawDown of -66.3 days of NVIDIA is lower, thus worse.
  • Compared with SPY (-24.5 days) in the period of the last 3 years, the maximum reduction from previous high of -66.3 days is lower, thus worse.


'The Drawdown Duration is the length of any peak to peak period, or the time between new equity highs. The Max Drawdown Duration is the worst (the maximum/longest) amount of time an investment has seen between peaks (equity highs). Many assume Max DD Duration is the length of time between new highs during which the Max DD (magnitude) occurred. But that isn’t always the case. The Max DD duration is the longest time between peaks, period. So it could be the time when the program also had its biggest peak to valley loss (and usually is, because the program needs a long time to recover from the largest loss), but it doesn’t have to be'

Applying this definition to our asset in some examples:
  • Compared with the benchmark SPY (488 days) in the period of the last 5 years, the maximum days below previous high of 373 days of NVIDIA is lower, thus better.
  • Compared with SPY (488 days) in the period of the last 3 years, the maximum days below previous high of 373 days is lower, thus better.


'The Drawdown Duration is the length of any peak to peak period, or the time between new equity highs. The Avg Drawdown Duration is the average amount of time an investment has seen between peaks (equity highs), or in other terms the average of time under water of all drawdowns. So in contrast to the Maximum duration it does not measure only one drawdown event but calculates the average of all.'

Which means for our asset as example:
  • Compared with the benchmark SPY (123 days) in the period of the last 5 years, the average time in days below previous high water mark of 75 days of NVIDIA is lower, thus better.
  • During the last 3 years, the average days below previous high is 110 days, which is lower, thus better than the value of 180 days from the benchmark.

Performance (YTD)

Historical returns have been extended using synthetic data.

Allocations ()


Returns (%)

  • Note that yearly returns do not equal the sum of monthly returns due to compounding.
  • Performance results of NVIDIA are hypothetical and do not account for slippage, fees or taxes.