
Akamai Technologies, Inc. provides cloud services for delivering, optimizing, and securing content and business applications over the Internet in the United States and internationally. It provides Web Application Protector to safeguard web assets from web application and distributed denial of service; Kona Site Defender, a cloud security solution; Bot Manager to identify bots and categorize bots based on business or IT impact; Edge DNS, which translates human-readable domain names into numerical IP addresses; Site Shield that prevents attacker from directly targeting the application origin and forces traffic to go through its network, where attack can be better detected and mitigated; identity Cloud, a customer identity access management solution; Prolexic Routed to protect web- and IP-based application; and Client Reputation that assigns risk scores to malicious IP address and enables customers to take action on individual clients. It also offers Enterprise Application Access that enables adaptive access to application; Enterprise Threat Protector to enable enterprise security teams to identify, block, and mitigate targeted attack; Ion, a suite of intelligent performance optimization tool and control; Dynamic Site Accelerator to accelerate and secure interactive website; Image Manager that automatically optimizes online images; CloudTest to conduct load testing and other analysis of website in a pre-production environment; and mPulse that provides real-time website performance data for customers to enhance their digital experiences. In addition, the company provides Aura Managed CDN, DNS Infrastructure, and security and personalization service; and adaptive delivery, download delivery, media service live, and media analytic solutions, as well as NetStorage, a cloud storage solution. It sells its solutions through direct sales and service organizations; and various channel partners. The company was founded in 1998 and is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Statistics (YTD)

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'The total return on a portfolio of investments takes into account not only the capital appreciation on the portfolio, but also the income received on the portfolio. The income typically consists of interest, dividends, and securities lending fees. This contrasts with the price return, which takes into account only the capital gain on an investment.'

Using this definition on our asset we see for example:
  • Looking at the total return, or increase in value of 16.5% in the last 5 years of Akamai Technologies, we see it is relatively lower, thus worse in comparison to the benchmark SPY (94.2%)
  • Looking at total return, or performance in of -19.4% in the period of the last 3 years, we see it is relatively lower, thus worse in comparison to SPY (27.9%).


'The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is a useful measure of growth over multiple time periods. It can be thought of as the growth rate that gets you from the initial investment value to the ending investment value if you assume that the investment has been compounding over the time period.'

Which means for our asset as example:
  • Compared with the benchmark SPY (14.2%) in the period of the last 5 years, the annual performance (CAGR) of 3.1% of Akamai Technologies is smaller, thus worse.
  • Compared with SPY (8.6%) in the period of the last 3 years, the annual performance (CAGR) of -6.9% is lower, thus worse.


'Volatility is a rate at which the price of a security increases or decreases for a given set of returns. Volatility is measured by calculating the standard deviation of the annualized returns over a given period of time. It shows the range to which the price of a security may increase or decrease. Volatility measures the risk of a security. It is used in option pricing formula to gauge the fluctuations in the returns of the underlying assets. Volatility indicates the pricing behavior of the security and helps estimate the fluctuations that may happen in a short period of time.'

Applying this definition to our asset in some examples:
  • The historical 30 days volatility over 5 years of Akamai Technologies is 28.9%, which is greater, thus worse compared to the benchmark SPY (20.9%) in the same period.
  • Looking at historical 30 days volatility in of 26.1% in the period of the last 3 years, we see it is relatively greater, thus worse in comparison to SPY (17.3%).


'Downside risk is the financial risk associated with losses. That is, it is the risk of the actual return being below the expected return, or the uncertainty about the magnitude of that difference. Risk measures typically quantify the downside risk, whereas the standard deviation (an example of a deviation risk measure) measures both the upside and downside risk. Specifically, downside risk in our definition is the semi-deviation, that is the standard deviation of all negative returns.'

Applying this definition to our asset in some examples:
  • The downside risk over 5 years of Akamai Technologies is 21.3%, which is larger, thus worse compared to the benchmark SPY (15%) in the same period.
  • Looking at downside risk in of 19.6% in the period of the last 3 years, we see it is relatively larger, thus worse in comparison to SPY (12.1%).


'The Sharpe ratio (also known as the Sharpe index, the Sharpe measure, and the reward-to-variability ratio) is a way to examine the performance of an investment by adjusting for its risk. The ratio measures the excess return (or risk premium) per unit of deviation in an investment asset or a trading strategy, typically referred to as risk, named after William F. Sharpe.'

Using this definition on our asset we see for example:
  • Looking at the risk / return profile (Sharpe) of 0.02 in the last 5 years of Akamai Technologies, we see it is relatively smaller, thus worse in comparison to the benchmark SPY (0.56)
  • Looking at Sharpe Ratio in of -0.36 in the period of the last 3 years, we see it is relatively lower, thus worse in comparison to SPY (0.35).


'The Sortino ratio, a variation of the Sharpe ratio only factors in the downside, or negative volatility, rather than the total volatility used in calculating the Sharpe ratio. The theory behind the Sortino variation is that upside volatility is a plus for the investment, and it, therefore, should not be included in the risk calculation. Therefore, the Sortino ratio takes upside volatility out of the equation and uses only the downside standard deviation in its calculation instead of the total standard deviation that is used in calculating the Sharpe ratio.'

Using this definition on our asset we see for example:
  • Compared with the benchmark SPY (0.78) in the period of the last 5 years, the downside risk / excess return profile of 0.03 of Akamai Technologies is smaller, thus worse.
  • Looking at ratio of annual return and downside deviation in of -0.48 in the period of the last 3 years, we see it is relatively smaller, thus worse in comparison to SPY (0.5).


'The ulcer index is a stock market risk measure or technical analysis indicator devised by Peter Martin in 1987, and published by him and Byron McCann in their 1989 book The Investors Guide to Fidelity Funds. It's designed as a measure of volatility, but only volatility in the downward direction, i.e. the amount of drawdown or retracement occurring over a period. Other volatility measures like standard deviation treat up and down movement equally, but a trader doesn't mind upward movement, it's the downside that causes stress and stomach ulcers that the index's name suggests.'

Applying this definition to our asset in some examples:
  • Looking at the Downside risk index of 17 in the last 5 years of Akamai Technologies, we see it is relatively greater, thus worse in comparison to the benchmark SPY (9.32 )
  • Compared with SPY (10 ) in the period of the last 3 years, the Ulcer Ratio of 21 is larger, thus worse.


'Maximum drawdown measures the loss in any losing period during a fund’s investment record. It is defined as the percent retrenchment from a fund’s peak value to the fund’s valley value. The drawdown is in effect from the time the fund’s retrenchment begins until a new fund high is reached. The maximum drawdown encompasses both the period from the fund’s peak to the fund’s valley (length), and the time from the fund’s valley to a new fund high (recovery). It measures the largest percentage drawdown that has occurred in any fund’s data record.'

Which means for our asset as example:
  • The maximum drop from peak to valley over 5 years of Akamai Technologies is -42 days, which is smaller, thus worse compared to the benchmark SPY (-33.7 days) in the same period.
  • During the last 3 years, the maximum drop from peak to valley is -42 days, which is smaller, thus worse than the value of -24.5 days from the benchmark.


'The Drawdown Duration is the length of any peak to peak period, or the time between new equity highs. The Max Drawdown Duration is the worst (the maximum/longest) amount of time an investment has seen between peaks (equity highs) in days.'

Using this definition on our asset we see for example:
  • Compared with the benchmark SPY (488 days) in the period of the last 5 years, the maximum days below previous high of 440 days of Akamai Technologies is lower, thus better.
  • Compared with SPY (488 days) in the period of the last 3 years, the maximum days below previous high of 440 days is lower, thus better.


'The Average Drawdown Duration is an extension of the Maximum Drawdown. However, this metric does not explain the drawdown in dollars or percentages, rather in days, weeks, or months. The Avg Drawdown Duration is the average amount of time an investment has seen between peaks (equity highs), or in other terms the average of time under water of all drawdowns. So in contrast to the Maximum duration it does not measure only one drawdown event but calculates the average of all.'

Using this definition on our asset we see for example:
  • Looking at the average time in days below previous high water mark of 130 days in the last 5 years of Akamai Technologies, we see it is relatively higher, thus worse in comparison to the benchmark SPY (123 days)
  • During the last 3 years, the average time in days below previous high water mark is 158 days, which is smaller, thus better than the value of 180 days from the benchmark.

Performance (YTD)

Historical returns have been extended using synthetic data.

Allocations ()


Returns (%)

  • Note that yearly returns do not equal the sum of monthly returns due to compounding.
  • Performance results of Akamai Technologies are hypothetical and do not account for slippage, fees or taxes.