Welcome to Logical Invest!
Logical-Invest.com started out in 2013 as a place to join Frank Grossmann’s articles about quantitative research topics and popular Global Growth Strategies and now has grown to include a team of researchers, strategy developers and successful investors. We share a passion for logical, rules based investing and a willingness to share our learning about quantitative research topics with others.
How can we support you?
New to investing – why start from scratch? We openly share our strategy framework and underlying mechanism. We don’t use “magical” or hidden processes. Our many years developing and refining research and strategies investing are now available to help your investment portfolio.
Are you working long weeks and have no time for diving deep into it?
Our strategies are designed to be quick and easy to use. Check out our strategies, discuss them at our forum, make up your mind and gain confidence. Once you feel comfortable, use our research and subscriptions and know you are on the right path.
Have you lost trust in banks, hedge funds, and commission based investment advisors?
Feeling ripped off paying 2-5% for obscure “black-box” funds which perform below average? This was our motivation for taking investments management into our own hands. We realize anybody using our strategies deserves what we always looked for: Transparency, logical reasoning and a space to find answers.
Some words on us
We use quantitative based strategies to manage our own successful investments. We enjoy researching new methods and adapting them to an ever changing investment market. Researching and studying the markets make us tick and we enjoy sharing what we have learned. We want to help others feel safer, reduce their investment expenses and improve their investment returns.
We know how hard it is to build the confidence to get started and even harder to separate soundly engineered and researched investment strategies from the “miracle-promising, get-rich-now” noise. We deploy quantitative strategies that we have thoroughly researched, traded and stress tested in different conditions. They all offer superior performance and mechanisms to protect you during market crashes. All strategies are based on sound mathematical rules and avoid any emotional decisions in the investment process.
What we believe is key:
- Keep things understandable, intuitive and reflecting how the market works. We avoid over-fitting models by relying upon well understood market mechanisms.
- Quantitative Research: we use clear rules based strategies which do not depend on human emotions or discretion. Investors performance often suffers when they rely upon judgement and discretion. Our mechanical approach removes that judgement and discretion, allowing you to relax and focus on your life, your family, and building a secure future.
- Research: we start with conducting and applying well-proven research in our strategies. We leverage the latest advanced academic and statistical models available. We apply it and use our own research to adapt it to real-world market trading and investment portfolio management.
- Adaptive: we develop sophisticated techniques to allow our models to capture changes in investment environments and market regimes. Performance backtests of 20 or even 100 years might give insight to what has worked in the past. But do they reflect our current economic environment and will these mechanisms persist in tomorrow’s environment? We solve this challenge by building in well-researched market anomalies plus adaptive algorithms. These work well for our own investments, and they are now available for yours.
- Cost effectiveness: we deliver better returns by using index-based low cost ETFs in our strategies. These consistently outperform the vast majority of mutual funds. We do not like being charged commissions or performance fees by banks and brokers, and neither should you. We do not charge any percentage fees, and only have a small monthly fee which will save time and money vs building this process yourself.
Meet our team

Frank Grossmann
Frank studied Microtechnics at the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne and Business Administration at the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. After the Studies in 1989 he founded Labocontrol AG.
In Mai 2002 Frank founded Colour-Science AG a company specialized in image processing algorithms like face detection or red eye removal.
Many of these algorithms could be also used to search for pattern in financial data, so Frank began to develop and back test rule based investment strategies.
The main focus was to find strategies, which would allow a positive return also during a financial downturn or major financial crash. Based on this Quantitative Research, Logical-Invest developed some very successful strategies and due to its solid performance and positive returns, we decided to share our knowledge with you and publish it on a monthly basis through “rent-a-strategy”.

Vangelis Maderakis
Vangelis has been involved in quantitative research and development since 2007. He has built, run and tested literally thousands of trading systems using Matlab, Python, C#, QuantShare and Amibroker and has contributed as a researcher/programmer in academic papers.
His quantitative blog has been part of the “Whole Street” quant blog aggregator since inception.
He holds a B.A. in Economics from Cornell University and an M.F.A. in Film Producing/Financing from the Peter Stark Program at the University of Southern California.
Vangelis is series 65 certified.

Alexander Horn
Alexander has been researching and applying financial modelling as a Financial Executive for 15 years. His passion and expertise lies in the enterprise and project valuation. He has participated in several multi-billion M&A deals in the chemical and bio-tech industry.
Prior to joining Logical-Invest.com, Alexander was the Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Vice President in Japan for a major global chemical player. Before he served in executive roles in North America, Europe and Asia within the automotive sector.
He holds an MBA in General Management from the Instituto Panamericano de Alta Dirección de Empresa (IPADE) and an M.A. in International Business from the University of Paderborn.

Patrick Hill
Patrick is a technology veteran with over 25 years of experience in a variety of software engineering and management positions for both large and small technology companies.
Most recently Patrick was a global product line manager for network cybersecurity products at Hewlett-Packard Enterprise. Prior to that he was an e-commerce product manager at Dell Computer working on their web analytics data warehouse. He has also held leadership positions at several start-up and early stage companies, including multiple successful acquisition targets.
Patrick holds a degree in Engineering Management from the University of Texas and resides in Austin, Texas.
Talk to us!
We’d love to hear from you. Please use the form below to email us, and we will respond within 24 hours. We respect your privacy, and will never share, sell, rent, or otherwise use your personal information for nefarious purposes.