How is Adj Close calculated in _XLG

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  • #85105
    Charlie Moore

    I recently added the symbol XLG (SP500 top 50) to investigate using it for my portfolio. This particular symbol has had some recent changes that I believe should affect the adjusted close value stored in the _XLG file. Three changes in particular:
    1. 2023-7-17 there was a reverse 10/1 split
    2. 2023-6-20 dividend, $0.93623 (before the split)
    3. 2023-3-20 dividend, $0.97573 (before the split)

    Going backwards in time the data file _XLG handles the 10/1 split just fine for the closing price. The 2023-6-20 dividend looks correctly handled as well since I believe the stated value would be affected by the 10/1 split (0.93623/10). The 2023-3-20 dividend looks like it is the full amount and not adjusted by the 10/1 split, yet the close price is adjusted for the 10/1 split. So the 2023-3-20 dividend has a large effect on closing price.

    This is just based on my looking at raw data from EOD, the _XLG, and a charting tool I use. So please help me understand if I do not have this correct. Thanks.

    Charlie Moore

    I’m just following up on this to make sure there is not a problem with the way the split is handled for historical data. I have a copy of the data file that I can send along if that helps. Thanks.


    Our data providers figure out adjustments. XLG is not a component of any of our standard strategies, but we have asked EOD to take a look at the dividend data you provided. In the mean time, you may want to try using Tiingo for XLG data.

    Charlie Moore

    Thanks for the tip on Tiingo, they appear to have the correct adjusted close values. And thanks for passing along the issue to EOD. I wasn’t sure how the value was calculated in the _XLG file since the adjusted close is not available via the free EOD download.

    Frank1 Grossmann

    EOD has finally also updated XLG

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