Help Getting Started with LogicalInvest

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    Hi, I just retired and I’m trying to manage my own investments. In doing my research, I somehow stumbled on this site.

    LogicalInvest appeals to me because it’s diversified, rule based and hedged and appears to only require trading once a month. I lived through the 2000 and 2008 bear markets and I’m not looking to do that again and I also don’t want to be obsessed with the markets.

    The question is how to get started. It looks like a Portfolio is a group of strategies and it seems like there are three basic ones…conservative, moderate, or aggressive…but that most of you construct your own Portfolio?

    I like the idea of the top three strategies and would I be wrong to start out just using that with a portion of my investments? Any thoughts or advice for a newbie like me would be appreciated. Thank you!


    Hi jmont42, I would strongly recommend purchasing Quanttrader if you (like me) prefer knowing whats going on ‘under the hood’.
    Yes, its challenging to have to become a ‘quant’ but I found the journey very worthwhile. LI have made the quant journey the easiest it can be without having to go to University!


    Hi StefanM, thanks for taking the time to reply to me and for the recommendation to purchase Quanttrader. I’m going to give it a try. I like the idea of taking the emotions out of the equation and of hedging especially after a ten year bull run.


    Hello jmont42,

    As StefanM mentioned we highly recommend to at least try out QuantTrader for the free trial period. This will get you an inside look at how the portfolios are constructed.
    You can then continue with your own custom strategy or just follow the Top 3 Strategies (MST3).
    Since you have been through both major crises you probably know how it goes. You need to stay protected as no correction quite resembles the last one, but you also need to participate and not miss out on multi-year growth. We are currently running fairly conservative in our 2020 ‘settings’. To give you an idea, current allocations for MST3 are about 40% GSY (cash equivalent), 25% in different bond classes (not Treasuries) and less than 20% in equities.
    Welcome and happy new year!

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